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The making of a good fit

Peace in relationships -- family and friends, work and play, individual and group. Peace of mind. World peace. Is harmony. The fitting together of parts engaged in shared purpose. Performing a function that contributes toward the creation, expression, or affirmation of Worth. To the Worth of the parts striving toward it.

Psychology concerns itself with human psyches and groups that must fit together so that individuals function in harmony, within and among themselves, internally and externally. The “engine” of engineering performs the same function with physical objects rather than subjects. The quantitative measurements of science play a part in both disciplines, but between the two psychology leans heavily toward the subjective-qualitative, engineering toward the objective-quantitative. Two approaches with one function: fitting parts together harmoniously. With Logic.

Peace-harmony requires definitions whether subject or object, qualitative or quantitative. Parts that fit together harmoniously to perform the functions defined for them must each have their own definition that distinguishes them individually before they can be distinguished and function collectively. That distinguishes what they are -- their being -- and what they do -- their doing. The being must fit the doing and the doing must fit the being. As in architecture “form follows function.”

It is the function of Logic to define. The “Word” associated with “Logos” from classical thought stands for the essential output of Logic: the expression of the idea of a thing, subject-self or object. The definition or design of a thing produced by mind before it’s put into play to fit with other definitions-functions to perform shared purpose. The idea of object “apple” that Plato held to be where the reality of “apple” resides: within mind that thinks it. In human thought “Logic” or “Logos” refers to the concept of “God,” the Being responsible for definitions. For fitting parts together logically, harmoniously, with feeling. Lovingly, so Creation’s parts function smoothly.

“Word” or “Logos” also refers to what’s produced by harmonious definitions: a state of being-doing shared purpose referred to as “Creation.” The whole of it -- Creator-Logos and Creation-Logos -- necessitating another descriptor: “Reality.” Because the human experience embraces opposites including “unreality.” There is no need in Creation in Reality for the descriptor “Reality” because unreality is a definition, a state or condition of impossibility that is unknown. But in human experience Reality and unreality state the critical distinction between mind logical-sane and mind illogical-insane. Critical to Understanding. Critical to humans fitting together internally-externally in peace and harmony, because it can’t happen without Understanding. 

Logos has no tolerance for contradictions

Failures of humanity to function harmoniously in a shared world that requires shared purpose are failures of Understanding that depends on Logic to explain how parts must fit together. To explain their definitions -- what-who they are and what they do that must fit together with what other parts do. As individual psyches we are composed of parts internally that must fit together harmoniously and as groups we are composed of individuals that must fit together harmoniously. Reality-Creation is one large composition composed of families that are compositions of individual selves. Selves that are compositions of parts that, in turn, are relationships fitting together. All of it held together by the definitions of Logic. An expression of the idea of fitting together or “relationship.”

Failures of human functioning together in harmony are psychopathology: psyches harboring opposites or contradictions out of alignment with Logic. With Logic’s laws of cause and effect. With the Necessity expressed by the Word-Logos “law.” Law or Necessity has no tolerance for contradiction. Minds that would compose functions from parts that oppose-contradict are attempting the impossible. “Impossible” is illogical, the opposite of one of two primary founding principles of Logic: “Possibility.” The other is “Relationship.”

Minds that attempt to compose peace-harmony out of parts that contradict-conflict in their definitions, their Logic, are attempting the impossible. A definition of illogic or insanity. “Insanity” -- the state of mind that can’t create, can’t be part of Creation that exists harmoniously, at peace, in Reality. It can only dream a fantasy of unreality. Mind dreaming a fantasy of unreality composed of contradictions isn’t awake. A dreaming mind is unconscious.

The failures of humanity to function harmoniously are of Necessity failures of minds not thinking logically and therefore in a dream state not conscious. Logic or “Logos,” Logos or “God,” has no tolerance for contradictions or for the state of mind -- unconscious -- that dreams of contradictions and chaos, unreality and insanity. A thing defined cannot be what it is and what it isn’t. Cannot be or do its opposite.

The autonomy of Free Choice

The source of the flawed composition of contradictions that defines human unreality is an attribute of Logos-Creator and its Creation peace-harmony. A distinct being-Self with a distinct function in Reality-Creation. A unique function of Mind that, like Logic-Logos, is Relationship combining thought with feeling, Mind with Love. The attribute is the Mind-Love function of Free Will or Free Choice. That is, in its being, Free Choice. The source of the flaw that defines human unreality has its origin in Reality and performs an essential function in Reality-Creation. Reality-Creation could not be affirmed without it. The Self-Awareness of Consciousness itself could not exist without it.

Being essential to Self-Awareness and Worth makes Free Choice indispensable to Reality-Creation. What gives it the capacity to perform its role are two unique attributes:

  • the freedom to choose, in its explorations of the unknown, to remain at Home in Reality-Creation with its identity Free Choice, in Relationship with its Parents, or to explore alternate “realities” with unanticipated consequences. Consequences that may entail loss of Awareness of Self and Relationship and apparent loss of Free Choice. Consequences that, empowered by Energy in service to Mind, may appear real but cannot be Real. A consequence of the function of Free Choice to learn as it performs through trial and error: the necessary freedom to risk choosing incorrectly as well as correctly, illogically as well as logically, though not with the status conferred by Logic and Love of remaining Conscious at Home with Parents in Reality-Creation if trial ends in error. To explore alternate “realities” with intent would be an expression of the unique attribute of Free Choice: the freedom not to choose impossibility, to be another Self in Reality, but to imagine or dream another self in unreality. Not to be wrong but to risk being wrong. And in so doing to learn all that's to be learned from the disorder, the unpredictability, the give-and-take, of experience.
  • Free Choice cannot be owned, possessed, or controlled. Its only limits are the limits set by the Logic-Love of its definition in Reality-Creation. By the laws of cause and effect, the authority of Necessity that applies to Everything. These confine it to what it is: Free Choice. Within the scope of Reality-Creation it cannot choose any role other than Free Choice, to be any Self other than who it is, any function other than what it does. In all circumstances, in all contexts, its core identity, its true identity, remains Free Choice. The Child of Parents Logic-Choice and Love-Freedom, it cannot be any other Self.

Other Creations owe their being and function to organic growth. To the implications of Logic and the relationships of Love. To the interconnections of laws-Necessity, to the evolution of Creation that is the Order, the harmony-peace of Reality. Free Choice originated from its Source as a distinct Self with the attribute of independence, occupying its own plane in the structure and process of Creation. Interconnected with all of it because Reality-Creation is the Oneness of interconnection. But a distinct Self functioning autonomously beyond its control. Whose definition by masculine Logic-Choice and feminine Love, its Parents, endowed it with the capacity to choose freely within the Order, the peace-harmony, of Creation.

From the One of Reality to the many of illusion

Whose definition endowed it with the capacity to function as a wild card subject to its own guidance, its own judgment, its own discretion. Exercising its capacity independently in Relationship with its Source, its Parents, but by definition not owned, possessed, controlled, or dominated by any part of Creation. A wild card that has the free run of Creation and so puts a premium on Judgment. On its maturity and competence to judge correctly in its choices in all contexts of constantly evolving Creation. In the acts that share, affirm, enable, and empower the Life-Worth of Creation and Self of the Self-Awareness / Consciousness that creates it.

Though Free Choice is identified as a distinct self with a distinct function independent of its Source-Creator, its Parents Logic-Love, it is bonded with them in a reciprocal Relationship of Knowing and Love. A Relationship between Parent-Child that supplies the dynamo of Energy at the core of Oneness. The passionate stance of Being:

  • empowering and illuminating all of Reality-Creation with the Energy and Light of Self-Awareness.
  • embracing Everything, all possibilities including the state of mind that is Free Choice when Free Choice cannot choose correctly and lapses into the dream state of unconsciousness. That is, when it lacks the Knowledge and competence necessary to choose freely.
  • making of all of Reality-Creation a Heaven of joyfulness, peace, and harmony. The ideal that haunts the human Psyche with the memory of a long-ago utopian Home where we, one Child, existed in the embrace of Logic and Love, peace and freedom, our Parents, without contradictions, without opposites, in the Perfection of Innocence.

Our minds not troubled with the concomitants of our predatory animal nature: bodies sharing space with bodies, tribes with tribes. With familiar and alien objects, “others” triggering primitive limbic dominance, fear, possessiveness, lust, rage, and hatred. Reverberating through a dystopia of guilt, the memory of the long-ago projection of injustice, limbic emotions, guilt, and insanity that transformed the One of Reality into the many of illusion. That made us, projections of a dream, and put us here.

Secrets of our ancestral Mind revealed

That Free Choice put us here should be no surprise. A wild card with the run of Creation. A Child learning and growing to maturity and competence through the trial and error of experience. In the context of Reality and Creation that know nothing of opposites yet are constantly expanding, exploring, discovering, and creating among all the known possibilities into the unknown. In the broader context of Everything that does include opposites: the illusory inhabitants of the flip side of Reality that is Mind unconscious. Mind dreaming an alternate “reality” of shadow-reflections, derivations coded to be the opposite of their hosts. To be dependents along for the ride, troublemakers, parasites. An unreality coded to be everything opposite to Reality.

The Why of what put Free Choice here should tell us that having the maturity and competence to choose correctly as well as freely is important if we prefer success rather than failure. If we want to avoid mistakes that get us into trouble. A great deal of speculation and story-telling have been devoted to Why the Child’s Parents would allow or perpetrate its departure from immortality to mortality. The logical answer would appear to be they did neither. That it was probably inevitable, the consequence of Free Choice. The laws of cause-effect. Of Necessity that governs the process and structure of Creation.

The Why of it still matters. But the How of what put Free Choice here may be the more important question. Because it’s from the story of how the Child Free Choice, our ancestral Mind, imagined itself into an alternate “reality” that we, its “descendants” -- projections of a dreaming mind -- can gain insights into the deepest roots of human behavior. To the roots of human psychopathology that has so far eluded Understanding and defied cure by the healing professions. By psychology, the study of behavior, and psychiatry, the study of illness.

There are patterns. And try as we might to detect and understand them we can’t succeed until we free ourselves from the tyranny of bodies and sensory perception. From putting our faith in counterintuitive "scientific" absurdities like the search for configurations of particles and cells, neurons, chemistry, and electrical impulses in brains that will someday, somehow, magically produce consciousness. Until we liberate mind to inquire where the answers are: in the How of what put Free Choice here. In the Logic, the story, of what led our ancestral Mind from one state into another. One Reality into another whose every attribute is an expression or reflection of the Reality it was projected from. Whose every actor, every relationship, is driven, one way or another, by the sequence of events that brought them to “life” in another “reality.”

Simple intuitive Logic  

How shall you and I resolve our differences? When it looks hopeless whether we’ve tried everything or nothing? By Understanding that goes beyond the hopelessness, the intractability, of human conflict. The pointless, circular “reasoning” of minds captive to matter. By trying something new. Something even more entertaining than the mythologies of entertainment and religion, sports and politics. Than the hallucinations of psychedelics and the psychoses of addicts. The ravings of wishful thinking fabulists, self-serving opportunists -- mad men making it up as they go along. Try something that actually enlightens: simple intuitive Logic. Metaphysics: the invention of Parmenides that takes us beyond appearances. The revelations of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, whose Course in Miracles takes us into the story of our ancestral Mind. The One Child that we are and the one story. Our story.

So, what's the "wild card?" We are. Free Choice.