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Excerpt with minor revisions from essay submitted for publication in the Harvard Class of 1959 65th Anniversary Report


The tyranny of “Realism”

With “realists” in the lead -- the body-centered fanatics who rule the world -- Western thought has only gotten its facts wrong. With illogic and fear ever since Aristotle turned inquiry away from Mind to matter. From the Why and How of philosophy toward the Who, What, When, and Where of science. From Parmenides, Plato, and Jesus, who let Logic separate fact from fiction, to Newton, Einstein, and Bohr, whose reliance on the body's five senses ignores the distinction. Giving us Plato’s Cave and its occupants defending self-delusion with the ferocity of animal instinct. Giving us "realists" tied in knots by the possibility that anyone might get the facts right with independent thought and feeling. With Logic and Love that owe nothing to the tyranny of body-brain.

The first step to understanding

Wisdom – the self-delusion of the idealist that anyone wants wisdom. Foolishness -- the self-delusion of the “realist” that questions will lead to answers when they’re preempted by bias. When they include the knower in the known, the trick pulled off by the body’s five senses. By the circular “reasoning” of science that relies on the “objectivity” of body-brains sensing and validating a reverse mirror-image -- a reflection of themselves. Sensing and validating spacetime-matter, the projection of a mad idea that Mind can be replaced by brain. By matter.

Pointlessness that’s “reasoning” to reach conclusions and make decisions when the inquirer has skipped the first step: letting Logic-Love explain the situation with an open Mind. Letting it help us get our facts straight. “Logic” that presumes to tell Mind that sensory perception and spacetime-matter are off limits to questioning isn’t Logic. It’s illogic that perpetuates senselessness no less than body-brains turning judgment over to their mirror-image reflections. 

A return to Self-Awareness

Where does the mistake show? In the idiocy of our obsession with fun and games – competition. With the illusion that mortal combat over wealth and power, survival and dominance, is something happening. Verification that this is reality. When the truth is it’s only distraction from what needs to happen: a return to self-awareness. To reality and sanity with help from Mind’s intuition, sixth sense guided by Logic-Love.

Where there’s kindness and service from the bottom up instead of cruelty and rule from the top down. Where the emphasis is on individuality, sharing, free choice, and creativity instead of uniformity, tribal supremacy, willfulness, and conformity. Where the logical point of departure is Mind-centered rather than body-centered. Drawn toward self-awareness rather than away from it.

Being there for the next generation

I’m privileged to have a purpose: being there for my descendants. The motive behind my website and everything in it. And whether I’m around for another class report in five years I want the next generation to have the same privilege. Living lives with their own purpose in a world that isn’t taking it away. Self-motivated by strong character and independent judgment that understands the difference between Logic and reason. That can’t be fooled by their five senses and “realists” into dismissing their sixth sense. Into corner-cutting the first step to understanding --- Logic that gets the facts right.