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A Course in Miracles is Growth. A Course in Miracles is Metaphysics

The Course is pure metaphysics that cannot be contained by formulas for teaching what it has already taught and for comforting the fearful.

Metaphysics is inquiry living and growing that will apply itself where it is needed among minds and hearts that are open to it.

The form it has taken in the Course is but a waystation in forward-moving progress, open-ended and dynamic.

To serve its adherents is to avail them of the spirit as well as the letter of what it teaches: the free spirit of inquiry into the implications of its Logic and the interconnections and reciprocity of its Love.

The seeds it has provided for self-awareness, explanation, and understanding are meant to be shared and planted in new ground with the expectation that the insights they summon with the Logic of Intuition will advance thinking with fresh perspectives adapted to new contexts.

The spirit of the Course and its gift is the spirit of Creativity, Life, and Growth.

How can we show that we have put it to use? When we have expanded thinking and feeling into new territory with the Logic and Love of metaphysics. When we have grown with it.

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