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Parmenides’ invention: Metaphysics

Spacetime-matter, the material universe, “happened” with the assumed Big Bang without being observed by the body’s senses or being measured by physics. A universe-world of physical objects produced by Energy and interconnected by Energy -- electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravity. All one neural network reverse mirror image of the unconscious Mind dreaming it. A “manifestation of the power of Mind” that produced bodies and their environment -- quantitative, observable and measurable. Bodies with senses with which to sense-observe and manipulate their environment.

What makes this environment real for bodies-brains is their senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, sound that appear to validate felt perceptions from thoughts of mind and feelings. Reinforced and certified by quantitative measurements. Self-referential, self-reinforcing evidentiary “proof” of the presence and reality of appearances.

The Greek philosopher Parmenides founded the Eleatics School and invented metaphysics 2500 years ago because the capabilities of Logic and Love, the source of mind-reason and feelings-values, go beyond the senses. Because Reality can’t be determined on the basis of quantitative appearances alone. And because appearances of material reality evolve. Change physical properties and attributes, functions and performance, connections, appear and disappear, via Energy, without rational explanation.

The etiology of Big Bang materiality is incomplete. Therefore, the case for its being Real is incomplete.

The challenge to sensory perception

The powers of mind-thought feeling-values go beyond observation to include the self-awareness of introspection, the spontaneous insight of intuition, the purpose and meaning of context that’s accessible through judgment employing all functions of mind. None of these qualitative capabilities are found in sensory perception or quantitative measurement which are entirely dependent on appearances. 

Competition between body-centered “realists”-physicists and mind-centered idealists-metaphysicists is over the issue whether Reality can be determined on the basis of appearances alone. On the basis of one dimension that won’t admit other dimensions because sensory perception and quantitative measurement can’t go there. “Realists” who swear by sensory perception insist that one dimension -- appearances -- is enough and refuse to entertain other possibilities.

Their allies in the physics profession, who must abide by the results of their experiments, can no longer swear by quantitative measurement. While their private views may have diverged from their public views since the Copenhagen Interpretation, their public views for a long time didn’t budge. But with the publication of Adam Becker’s article in last February’s issue of Scientific American, there is movement. It’s away from conventional “realism.” It presents a head-on challenge to the primacy of sensory perception.

Energy-matter takes direction from Mind

Metaphysics was founded to apply qualitative mind-thought love-feeling capabilities to the question by looking beyond appearances. Behind physics to get at the underlying Reality of physical body appearances. The Eleatics School concluded, with Logic and Reason, that the appearance of physical reality is an illusion. A conclusion that the physics profession is now obliged to accept as a possibility by its own discoveries.

That reveal that matter is, among other things, relational, interconnected-entangled, and changeable depending on whether or not it’s being observed-measured. Where physics bound by convention has no way of explaining this last anomaly metaphysics does have an explanation: matter is responding to the influence of Mind that produced it. Energy (stored in matter) that can’t exist unless it acts at the direction of Mind is responding to direction from Mind. If this seems a breach of common sense then ask common sense to describe existence where Energy, or Force, is operating without direction, independently.

Logic says Energy, by definition, must be an agent of Mind capable of providing direction. Without direction from Mind Energy would have no purpose, and if a thing has no purpose or function in Reality then it has no existence. Energy-Force without Mind to direct-apply it is unthinkable. Physical objects which are Energy stored in matter have every reason to perform-behave differently in the presence of minds because they’re in the presence of what produced matter, what wills it to perform, and for what purpose. Their behavior is a form of obedience.

Waiting for the order to reverse the projection

If particles respond differently to observing minds, might they also respond differently to what the observing minds are doing, what they intend, what their observation implies? Namely whether to validate-affirm the reality of matter by observing it or to withhold validation by ceasing to observe-measure it?

What keeps material appearances in place is minds persuaded by body-senses, plus physics measurements-attention, that appearances are real. Are the whole story. When measurements are revealing a “story” whose meaning contradicts this conclusion and supports the Eleatics School instead. The meaning of physics’ observation that matter responds to being observed by mind may be an early hint of Energy responding to direction from Mind to reverse the projection. To reverse the Big Bang, end the illusion-appearances (entropy), and return to animating Reality in an awakened, conscious Mind. 

The retraction of the projection that produced the Big Bang illusion must begin with retraction of the deception perpetrated by appearances with the collusion of body-brain senses. Aided and abetted by physics mind functions -- observation, quantitative measurement, flawed reasoning that’s circular and omits the qualitative. It must begin by self-deluded Mind suspending belief in appearances.

For disbelief in appearances is the correct attitude, both in response to Eleatics Logic and in response to the discoveries of physics. Disbelief is metaphysics, and metaphysics -- the Logic-Love of idealism -- gets it right.