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Prayer from within that animates relationship
touched by Love
that flourishes in minds and hearts untouched by distraction without --
the Love we carry within.

Knows only this –
the light and the warmth of the sun
the sounds of innocents at play in the forest
the interplay of color in shades of beauty
the fragrance of happiness, freshness of the Now
fulfillment and peace in ecstasy.

The barrier without was always there
the separation that made it
and would seem to divide us, the difference now
its darkness has been brought to the light.

We pass through without judgment
as it passes through
unremarked and unlamented
for it is a thing of no real consequence.

In due time, in the light of Understanding
it will be gone.

And we will be here
as we were and always will be
at one with one another
at one with prayer, the Love we carry within.