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Great birthday gifts for girls

So where are the books? I dropped by Patrick Malloy’s on the way home from work and left them under the bar stool. My birthday present! Yes. I’m so sorry. But they’re still there. Third bar stool from the end. You can pick them up anytime because nobody wants them. Gone with the Wind! Mr. Malloy said he’ll put them on the curb in case a junk dealer comes by. Or he could put your books and essays in a pile and set it on fire. That would draw a massive crowd of cheering customers. 

What are the books about? Great birthday gifts for girls, like railroad time tables. One thousand uses for Elmer’s glue. You’re hopeless. There’s another book. Two thousand wascally wabbits for Elmer Fudd. A creative writing exercise that’s made for your unique talent. I do have the makings of a great writer. That’s, uh, not the talent I meant.

Rick relieves the suspense

Think of a movie with one of those emotional scenes that puts everyone on the edge of their seats. Like when I have to go pee and can’t. Like when Ilsa pulls a gun on Rick and he says, “Go ahead and shoot. You’ll be doing me a favor.” How come? Ilsa had to dump Rick and it broke his heart. Now Rick had something that would save her and Victor, her war-hero husband, from capture by the Nazis. Letters of Transit signed by General DeGaulle, and they were desperate to get them.

The suspense is unbearable. What relieved it? Rick farted. How rude! If he’d done that to me I would have shot him. Ilsa still loved him. And she was nice. When she pulled a gun and demanded the Letters of Transit, somebody in the film crew farted and she didn’t do anything. She’d be in trouble if she shot the director. What about a production assistant? She’d probably get star billing and a new contract if she did that.

Back to the Ice Age

They had to re-shoot the scene and this time it was Ilsa who farted. So deafening it made the gun go off by itself. And shatter the crystal? Worse. It brought Captain Renault barging into the scene. Uh oh. He was the French poo-bah responsible for maintaining decorum in Casablanca. And he came to put Ilsa in jail for farting? Worse. He came to blow his whistle and announce that Rick’s Café was closed until further notice. 

Shocking! Very. And he magnified the effect by ripping off a really good one. The screen went blank. Did it come back? No one knows. The theatre projector guy was knocked out and they couldn’t revive him for days. That was it. What a terrific ending! So heart-rending! Yes. You could imagine Rick and Ilsa dancing while the soundtrack played “Dancing in the Dark.”  

Can I pick a film and make the script Oscar-worthy like you just did? That was so cool! Of course! How about “Ice Age?” A huge extinct woolly mammoth would be a creative challenge. I’m sure with your talent you could handle it. Thank you for the compliment.

His god is a lie that does not exist
That hangs over no man’s land like a flare in the night

That casts the dream in the shadows of its evil
Willing us to kill, willing us to die.

I rush across no man’s land to meet his god
Who wishes me dead, there in his trench

The enemy who begs to be killed with a hug
And I pray to my god who wishes him dead

Let me do this
Let us go.



Students of the modern Gnostic version of Christianity taught by Jesus in A Course in Miracles learn that our minds are corrupted by irrational beliefs that place us in a hellish world where we project our guilt onto others to regain our lost innocence. It is within this no man’s land of condemnation and endless deadly conflict, that’s depicted in this poem, that the Christian message of forgiveness – “love thine enemy” – must be absorbed and put to use.

We can undo the deception in principle by reasoning, with ACIM, that we did not sin in Reality when we lost conscious connection with our Source. Reinforcing this message is the point of my forthcoming book. But in this world of separate bodies meant to absorb and inflict punishment, reason doesn’t stand much chance against the passions of fear and hatred.

Though it’s unreal, our no man’s land is a place “where the unreal has been made real.” It is within this hellish environment that overwhelms our sensibilities, our pitiful attempts at reasoning, with its ear-splitting clamor for deception and passion, that I have tried to imagine the only way to put a stop to it. Instead of savaging my “enemy” in his trench, I need only to give him a loving hug. “The hug” would then represent the precise moment when the deception is undone, and its illusory vision of hell is removed from my mind.

It will do this not by my killing the person but by killing what makes the person in my mind my “enemy.” My enemy begs to be “killed” with a hug because only then, with a gesture of Love, will innocence be restored to the image of him that exists within my mind. Only then can the innocent person that he really is be spared from the projection of my own imagined guilt, from my condemnation, and my savage attack.

What the poem tries to convey is an honest humility, if not total despair, in the presence of a simple request that asks the impossible, that I love my “enemy” at precisely the point when my external circumstances and the passions they invoke overwhelm my humanity. I acknowledge its impossibility because I have no pretensions, at this stage of my training, of being a role model for forgiveness under any such circumstances.

Should I ever encounter my enemy in his trench, for real, of this I am certain: giving him a hug instead of making him pay for his infuriating offenses, his inflammatory provocations, will have to be a pure act of Grace. It will occur because another Mind – the Child’s right mind – has gently moved my corrupted mind out of the way. And only then if I have truly asked for it. It will do this if it has finally trained my corrupted mind to reject the deception of guilt and to affirm the Truth of Innocence. Otherwise, my clear expectation is that I would kill the bastard.

Praying to the darkness – to “my god who wishes him dead.” – to allow the hug to happen. is an admission that my mind is not ruled by reason in this world. It’s ruled by madness or I would not be so desperate for help that it would occur to me to ask an executioner practiced in cruelty -- the god of war -- for help with an act of compassion.

But “The Hug” is not the hopeless capitulation that it may seem. My training continues. The Holy Spirit speaks for the Truth, and, in time, the deception will lose its force. “Where the Trouble Lies” notes that energy, the force that keeps the illusion of material reality in place, is dying out. The illusion is in a state of entropy, coming apart. Our bodies will find a better use, and our passions, too.

What put my “enemy” there was hating him in the first place, before he committed any offense. What put him there was fear and hatred in my own mind that needs to revert back to its natural state of Love – back to Reality. The restoration of Reality, with our Free Will doing its part, is inevitable. Reason will prevail. The innocent Child that we really are will prevail. I am sure of it. My “enemy” will get his hug.

There is yet another meaning to the poem that’s implied by its military setting: conflict between opposing armies whose combatants have surrendered their individual sovereignty, and thus free choice, to a group, presumably to their respective countries. The “barriers to an awareness of Love’s presence” ACIM speaks of are many, and this is one of them: signing onto groups – employers, professions, organized causes, faiths, etc. -- that then superimpose their imperatives for survival onto our freely-chosen personal morality.

The “Sophie’s Choice” that The Hug presents is between loyalty to the ethics of individual free choice or to the amoral dictates of our group masters. In praying to the god of war – to Caesar – for permission to hug my “enemy,” I am asking, in effect, for manumission: for release from subservience to his army so that I may exercise free will and reclaim my integrity, my spirituality. I seek freedom from the curse of humanity: serving two masters, doing what’s right while “following orders” – an impossibility. We don't often have the option of separating from organizations that feed us, that trap us in situations where our only choice is some form of death no matter what we decide. If there remains a tone of discouragement, of hopelessness to "The Hug," this would account for it.

One last burst of energy while my leaves are turning
An opening in the act of closing

Made possible by entropy
The letting go of all that held me together

My fate in the fate of a universe
That lets us all open up as we close

As it closes

Obliged no more to maintain appearances
Obliged no more to pretend

When what was true all along opens up
And leads us along, children that we are

Our tiny hands held in the warmth of a hand
That knows no guile

That wonders no less than we what it’s all about
But, somehow, knows where the trouble lies.